Tag Archives: Mexican Grill

The World’s Most Serious Burrito

I’m currently eating one of the most massive burritos I have ever come in contact with.  I am sure you’ve all guessed it – I stopped at Chipotle.  But, seriously, this thing is HUGE.

Many, if not all of us, know and love a Chipotle burrito.  Whether we prefer the burrito tortilla style or in a bowl, the distinct flavors of the Mexican Grill are always there.  And, as if the flavors are not enough to keep customers coming back for more, Chipotle uses sustainable and animal-friendly products – meats that have not been treated with antibiotics and organic, locally grown food whenever possible.  “Food with Integrity” they call it.

However, as you can well imagine if you’ve ever had a Chipotle burrito, I am too involved with eating to provide any more feedback and information regarding the restaurant.  Between this post and the next, though, you can enjoy the mouth-watering image of what I am eating… (Still, I can assure you, the picture does not do it justice.)

Seriously Delicious

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